It is summer today in Sacramento - triple digit temperature. We pruned roses. Those roses. There are so many bushes here and while just dead heading is not such a chore - it is when there are so many of them. So we got up early and pruned for about an hour got the front yard done - we'll finish the back yard next weekend.
Afterward we had muesli with plain yogurt and fruit - strawberries, apricots, blackberries and apples - and just a touch of honey. Hit the spot on such a warm morning.
We showered and headed for Borders to get books for the trip to DC. We leave for DC on Monday and will be gone for 4 days. We plan to take some time Tuesday to enjoy DC; the other days I have to work. After Borders we came home, paid bills and got ready for dinner.
I have been preparing chicken now and again as Craig needs meat. Today I had collard greens and new potatoes from Full Belly to work into a recipe.
I got an idea from looking at Raley's magazine (
I sliced the collard greens into thin strips, sauteed it in olive oil and red pepper flakes. Added salt and chopped dried tomatoes after the greens had wilted and finished with a splash of balsamic vinegar.
I rubbed the chicken breasts with garlic salt and had Craig grill them. When they were done, I put them on a piece of foil, lay a slice of tomato on the chicken, piled on the greens and sprinkled it all with Parmesan cheese.
I had Craig put it back on the grill and cook until the cheese melted.
We also grilled the new potatoes. I cooked them a bit in the microwave, tossed them with olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper. Craig put them in our grill basket and grilled then till they had a bit of color.
We enjoyed a Bogle Chardonnay ( and had vanilla frozen yogurt with Boysenberry topping for dessert.
What a great ending to the day. My gratitude for the day, meal and Craig knows no bounds. Peace.
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