Welcome to Margie's Musings

Welcome to my BLOG! I write about whatever I want, mostly food and random stories I'm trying to write. I hope you enjoy it. In loving kindness....

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Quick Pizza Night Dinner

I don't always cook from scratch. Friday night is usually pizza night at my house. Our custom has been to order a pizza for delivery.  Now that we are doing the retired-on-a-tiny-fixed-income gig, we are cutting corners where we can. We decided to see if we could get a grocery store pizza for less than what we pay for a delivered pizza. We wanted something good and not too heavy. Usually we spend about $30 for a medium delivered pizza (we end up with a couple pieces left over for snacking the next day). I like to limit my cheese intake on pizza, mostly because it is clumpy and greasy and high in calories.  Most pizza places these days will provide less or no cheese. Unfortunately, this is not the case with grocery store frozen pizza, so frozen pizza was out of the question.  

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pumpkin Pancakes!

pancakes with stewed apple
pancakes with stewed apple
What to do with pumpkin. I admit it - I'm not a squash or pumpkin fan unless it is made into pie or sweet quick bread. Or cookies will do. So the famous Full Belly gave me (well I do pay for their produce) a pie pumpkin. It sat and sat on my counter for ages. Finally the other day I got serious about what to do with it. After a little research I decided to make pancakes.