Welcome to Margie's Musings

Welcome to my BLOG! I write about whatever I want, mostly food and random stories I'm trying to write. I hope you enjoy it. In loving kindness....

Friday, February 7, 2020

Lamb Ragu

Here is a really delicious ragu. It is made with ground lamb, onions and tomatoes. Super simple. As you know hubby loves pasta of any sort. This was such a hit. And a good source of protein for him. The noodles, made with heirloom wheat, are from my CSA farm - Full Belly Farm. They are full of flavor, light and fabulous. I've also used tube pasta from the grocery - and the recipe was just as good. I promise. I enjoy lamb, maybe since I was raised on a sheep farm. Or maybe in spite of being raised on a sheep farm. Ground lamb is affordable and versatile. Give it a try. I adapted the recipe from one in the New York Times. It makes enough for about 6 servings.