Welcome to Margie's Musings

Welcome to my BLOG! I write about whatever I want, mostly food and random stories I'm trying to write. I hope you enjoy it. In loving kindness....

Friday, August 17, 2018

Gazpacho Two Ways

This summer is overflowing with tomatoes and cucumbers. One way to use some of those luscious tomatoes is in gazpacho, a cold tomato soup. Do not make this unless you love love love tomatoes. I'm including two recipes. One is a chunky version. It is our favorite. Both Craig and I like to chew when we eat soup. It is also super easy, except for the chopping, and uses tomato juice. The other is a blended soup that I just tried this year and we really liked it. It does require digging out the blender, however. It is made with only fresh vegetables, no juice. I hope you try one or both of them, they are delightful!