Welcome to Margie's Musings

Welcome to my BLOG! I write about whatever I want, mostly food and random stories I'm trying to write. I hope you enjoy it. In loving kindness....

Friday, May 18, 2018

Chicken Salad Sandwiches

The dog was sick, she threw up. Being the good dog mommy that I am, I made her a sick tummy meal for the day. Boiled chicken and white rice. Luckily, I ended up with some leftover chicken and decided to make chicken salad sandwiches. I'm a sucker for mayo. I know, not good for me, but.... In my defense I usually use half mayo and half yogurt, I figure the yogurt cancels out the bad in the mayo. Hope I'm right. This makes enough for two hearty sandwiches, you can double it of course.

Chicken Salad Sandwiches

1/2 of a chicken breast, boiled, cooled and chopped finely
1 T tarragon, chopped finely
1/2 apple, chopped finely
2 T dried cranberries
1 stick celery, chopped finely
1 T sliced raw almonds
2 T mayo
2 T yogurt
squirt of lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

Mix it all up, add more mayo or yogurt if needed to make it wet enough to suit you. Pile on bread of your choice, add a bit of greenery if you have it. And eat it up!

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