Hey - I said I'd post this recipe - Try it! Although I have no idea now where I got the idea for the pie from. Apologies to the chef. I like it better than lemon meringue because it is easier.
Lemon Slice Pie
4 lemons
2 limes or use all lemons
2 cups water
1¾ cup sugar
1 t salt
4 large eggs
1 yolk
Peel zest off one lemon and lime. Slice and blanch the zest in the water for 1 to 2 minutes. Drain and put in a bowl. Remove meat of the lemon and limes* and add to the zest. Add sugar and salt. Beat the eggs and yolk and add to the lemon mixture. Pour into a pie shell; place another pie crust on top. Bake 450 degrees for 10 minutes and 350 degrees for 45 minutes until firm.
*Here is a professional explanation about how to remove the lemon sections:
Cooking for Profit Catering and Food Service Management By Alice Bradley: "Pare the fruit with a sharp knife removing every particle of the thin inside membrane with the peel. This will leave the pulp exposed. Hold the fruit over a plate so that any juice which may drop will be saved. Insert the point of the knife at the stem end of the fruit close to the membrane that divides the sections. Carefully work the knife in separating the membrane from the section. Then carefully separate the section of fruit from the membrane on its other side remove the whole section complete in shape and entirely free from membrane. Repeat until all the sections are removed."
By the meat of the lemon and lime - I mean you need to slice off the peel so no membrane or white is on the lemon/lime. Then for each lemon/lime section - take your knife and insert it between the membrane and the lemon pulp and lift out the lemon pulp - leaving behind the membrane. Do this with each lemon/lime section until you are only left with membrane - discard the membrane and only use the pulp.